2017年12月13日 星期三

時間軸加custom line


時間軸加custom line (日期要加線) The Timeline has functions to add multiple custom time bars which can be dragged by the user. http://visjs.org/examples/timeline/other/customTimeBars.html ***timeline 那一支 ngOnInit() { this.options = { editable: false, clickToUse: true }; this.container = document.getElementById('visualization') this.timeline = new vis.Timeline(this.container, this.items, this.options); 底下加這一行 this.timeline.addCustomTime('2014-04-17'); // I want this item not moving. --css 檔 .vis-custom-time { pointer-events: none; }



WPF聊天室应用(ASP.NET Core SignalR)

  WPF聊天室应用(ASP.NET Core SignalR) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Q741187Si?p=2 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UV411e75T?from=search...